찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

Qri, thank you for watching this video! For other people watching the video, the use of the most popular fonts in the market may reduce the probability of failure, but it may be difficult to make use of the brand's That's why Pentagram and famous agencies work with Font Poundry to design brand typefaces when producing brand identity. The problem is that freelancers and small agencies can't do that because of the high cost, and because My Fonts is a paid platform, it can be quite burdensome to use the font for commercial purposes. I recommend Adobe Font for those people. You can subscribe to any program of Adobe and use all fonts for free commercial use. https://fonts.adobe.com/fonts This article is a summary of how to use Adobe Font and the major licensing points. https://brunch.co.kr/@jmlee9762/5 For those who are new to English typography, it will be of great help if you look at the English font taxonomy below and examples that are frequently used. https://brunch.co.kr/@jmlee9762/12.
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