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클래스 스토리951개의 글

As soon as I smelled the first scent, I felt the spicy cinnamon flavor (spicy) and sweetness that covered my nose. The chiffi scent itself was heavy, so it felt like it would be preserved for a long time. The last one is musk scent. I think it ends with the same powder scent. It's more neutral than feminine. I think it will be remembered as a luxurious scent, not a light one!
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That's right. In Egypt, because they used spices as preservatives, they used oils that didn't go bad very quickly and oils that were very resistant. The Kipi Formula is a scent used by the pharaohs in it, so what luxurious flavoring oils would it be! That's why we think it's a luxurious, neutral, sensual, time-flowing scent that we feel today:)
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I thought about the snow-covered citrus field in Jeju Island in the middle of winter, but it was actually at that time, and the first feeling started with the fresh scent of tangerine and then added woody scents with base notes, feeling like dry branches piled up next to it. It seems that the scent of the Ilang Ilang has covered up the woodyness. It's fun because the more you listen to each lecture, the more you can express the image you think of:
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Wow! Snowy tangerine fields in Jeju Island in the middle of winter! I think it'll be great. I wonder how cold it would be if the snow piled up in Jeju Island, but if you look at the snow-covered image visually, you can feel something warm. I think it would be a great shade if I expressed the combination of temperature and color (the contrast between the colorful tangerine fields and the snow is so much fun). I'm not going to smell the scent and give you feedback, but if you complete the scent and the scent is too strong after two or three days, I think you can add a small amount of musk or sandalwood. Or I recommend modifying the Formula again and steering it. Haha Also, you can increase the content of the base note overall. I think you can raise it to 33% -> 44.5% now! If you're looking at a perfume pyramid, you can fix it in the shape of an hourglass:)
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I took a lecture far away from the scent I didn't want to smell, and I think I like soft scents like the refreshing citrus line or sandalwood! Balsam and Cedderwood were very difficult scents. crying
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So, when I try it, there are things that feel too strong for each scent, so I usually try it with 10% diluted oil. It's so impressive that you left it far away.Of course, I like and dislike the scent because I'm a person, but since I'm a perfumer, I keep my mind open to use as many different fragrances as possible, but if it's up to me, I'd like to experience them far away. hahaha ㅠㅠ Which part of Balsam and Cedarwood were you struggling with? How did you feel about the Citrus line or Sandalwood that you said you preferred? If you keep these very detailed records of preferred scents, you will have to create these nuances when you steer them, too! Record it well and make sure to refer to it when steering:)
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It's a scent that I really thought of! At first, I wanted to make a fresh but sweet and fresh scent like a girl, but I like it when the mugget scent spreads. The second one wasn't good when I tried balsam alone, but when I added the Ilang Ilang, it was amazing. It became a fresh and mature scent.🥰 No. 3 wanted the scent of a fresh forest because the scent of the patty of Sandalwood was so strong.I don't think it's good. If you want a fresh scent, please recommend what to do with the base note.ㅠㅠㅠ
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