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클래스 스토리1116개의 글

There's something I can relate to in the movie 'Help' so I write it down. "If you blame yourself, you can't use it. That's what makes you ugly. Being ugly starts from the heart. It's a new life every day. When you wake up in the morning, you make new resolutions." When I compare myself with people around me, I feel like I'm losing my mind. Why am I like this alone, comparing myself to the things I don't have? I've been thinking about this a lot. At times like this, I try to hold onto myself again by reading self-help books or people I like and want to resemble. I really want to overcome my mental state through this lecture!! Let's all work hard!~~♡
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The lines are so empathetic. That's good. Haha
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Rany, thank you for your sympathy!♡
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Thank you! I am busy but I will do my best.
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1. I'm not laughing because I'm happy. I'm happy because I'm laughing. - William Jameson. I'm sure you all know because it's famous. I didn't do it when I was young while preparing for an interview. It's a quote written by a friend next to me. I wrote it down. 2. My dream was to be a flight attendant. I prepared for college and failed, but my parents opposed taking the exam again. I said I can't do it because I'm too scared to get a job, so they prepared a civil servant. That period was so hard. It was the first sense of defeat in my life. Of course, there were more difficult and difficult things to think about now, but the period of study was too hard and I deleted all SNS accounts. I was depressed when I saw the pictures of my friends my age, and I was angry when I saw them laughing happily. In the process, I got another dream. My parents opposed it, but I got a job on condition that I would get a job without receiving all the support and now I look back on myself because of that dream. My first job was so rude and rude that my mental state was even worse, but I forced myself to climb up with just a dream. I quit and got a job again, but now that I think about it, my goal was to hold onto my mental state.
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1. Live a regular life, get the right habits, and live a healthy daily life. 2. Set a goal every week and month to lose weight 3. Don't delay studying that I wanted to study 4. Become a mentally healthy person (restore self-esteem) as well as appearance.
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