찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

I am a student on leave who wants to be a webtoon writer. I wanted to be a webtoon writer, but in my school days, I wanted to study more than painting, so I chose to go to Korean literature instead of art school. At that time, I didn't know the difference between Moonchang and Korean literature. So I entered the Korean literature department with a dream of creation, but the more I learned, the more I was afraid to make a story. My college was composed of criticism and criticism until the second grade, but it was a class that analyzed other people's works fiercely. It was hard for me to analyze a piece perfectly, but I kept bothering myself because I thought it would be easy for anyone to see my work so meticulously. While I was thinking about it, the planned time to take a leave of absence came and I'm drawing pictures to become a webtoon writer as planned, but the story is not moving forward at all. So these days, I'm looking for materials such as classes and books by creators, and I heard that the current animator is conducting the class! I couldn't help but listen! I've been following you step by step, and now I'm signing up for class to get rid of this fear. Haha
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