찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

You guys!! I'm the king! Listen to me! I can do anything!! A birth father named Father! Listen! In your absence (military) You did what I was conceived of, not my fault! I didn't ask you to give birth! Why do you hate your mom and me at the same time for being your responsibility and looking like your mom! Father! Listen! I was born to pray for a part of your body, I'm just a human being who resembles God's character who doesn't look like anyone. I'm the only one! You hate me for being like my mother because you're suspicious of her chastity and you're denying it and rejecting it! I was born to the world through you, I'm a noble being that resembles God's character, and I'm your hateful, angry man all my life because I look like my mother. No! Refuse and reject all negative messages of interference and interference. I'm my age!I'm the king! I am not your consumable, possession! Go! Go! Go! In my life! God! I don't need you!!
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