찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

I think my parents have done all the manipulation through neglect, oppression, and sacrifice.I hate your father because of violence to both of my grandparents ㅠㅠ It's great and commendable that I can write this now after enduring so many lonely years alone......Thanks to my child, it is hard to learn and get to know true love...ㅠㅠ The pressure on money is so strong... When are you going to pay off your uncle's debts?A grandmother who is blind and violent every moment...I'm still scared......ㅠㅠ These days, the problem is that when I go to the store, I feel that the store owner is watching me and I feel the energy so I feel scared and scared and angry without realizing it.ㅠㅠ When I was 8 years old, I was looking around in front of the stationery store in front of the school.The shopkeeper suddenly pulled my arm like a snatch at me and... touched my whole body, rummaged through my pocket, and was treated like a thief.ㅠㅠ I was so scared... but I couldn't find anything...I don't know if it's because I was beaten up by a bad guy who told me to go away and didn't say sorry.ㅠㅠ What is my healing language?crying
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