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클래스 스토리868개의 글

크리에이터가 고정함
This is Kim Jong-kwan, and this chapter is a brief talk about how filmmaking is made. It might be a bit boring for those who want to film and create a movie quickly, but if you know the process of creating a movie, you'll be able to approach it more flexibly later on. Think about the movie you want to shoot while you're in class.:) (If there's information I'd like to share with you on each channel, I'll show up in the comments section from time to time. Have a good day and open your ears little by little)
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Nice to meet you, students. It is also meaningful for me to start the video production together. This class focused on people who dream of creating a movie and are about to start it, although there are many uses. That's how I started and gradually gained the weight of learning. I'm sure each student knows something in advance and doesn't know. The process of film creation is learning at once and understanding less. There are a lot of things that you can invest time for a long time and learn from experience little by little through experience. At the beginning, slowly absorb the content that is shared, and if you don't understand it, just let go of the class and dream of creation. The whole process will be portrayed in relaxation and consistency, and the filmmaking system will catch your eye little by little. Take one or two classes a day, not at an urgent pace. I also made these classes from day to day, and the season of the beginning and the end has changed. The first purpose of this class is to create a film that motivates creativity and makes you want to make. Ladies and gentlemen. Nice to meet you again:)
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I read the comments carefully. I think I've also had a good challenge with this class:) I hope this place will be a good community before you start to create as well as listen to one online class. I'd like to hear more of your thoughts. Feel free to leave a comment. The fact that there is someone who listens to this or that idea seems to be the biggest attraction of creativity.
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Are you having a good weekend? Have you started your class yet? During some time, I'm going to visit every lecture and leave comments. Find and collect hidden messages like Easter egg. We would like to leave you with experience that fits the item and can be shared, so please check it from time to time.
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