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클래스 스토리2268개의 글

I started with painting, but I got to do it because I felt happy.
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How do you do reference archiving? I can't see the link at all I have to do is copy it. I'm asking you because it's hard to capture a long scroll.
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In my case, it depends on the situation, but I tend to print out and put it on the wall if it's a good idea, or if it's a good formative work that can be used as a reference point, or if it's an inspirational task that can be applied someday. Not to this extent, but I create a document in a service called Reference Face Notion that I can refer to whenever I need it and write down the representative image capture and the link at the same time. I make a reference folder that's related to the project that I'm working on, and I'm going to collect the images, or I'm going to come out in the next chapter, and I'm going to make a moodboard, or I'm going to put it in the notes. For sites, we create favorite folders and store them in portfolio sites, design resource sites, design agency sites, and so on~!
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When I was a student, I seriously thought and thought about my future under the theme of 'My dream, my future'. After writing down what I wanted to do at that time and looking at what I had in common, I found an intersection called "art field." After that, I was learning painting (pure art) and changed my major to design and am running toward my future dream.
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Nice to meet you, Lee Hee-soo! You have great courage to change your major in the middle. I don't know what kind of dream you're dreaming about, but to give you some more advice, I think it'll help you achieve your dream if you shape your core dream, shape your dreams, and share your dreams by time! The method of specifying and segmenting goals with a technique called Mandarat was very helpful to me. https://tong.joins.com/archives/15633
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A few years later, I set my sights on how much money I'd need if I died, and I'd have to pay off my student loans and die, so I thought I'd save my family a few years before I died. But because of my personality, I focused on being alive for a few years, and I started designing because I thought Photoshop was a good fit, but I got greedy. After I got a job in the design industry, I still got greedy. That's why I took this class. I don't know what's going to happen to me when I started to die, but I didn't know that I was going to be saved.
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