찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

I got a job 10 years ago and came to Seoul. I started in Banha, Seoul with my friend's money who lent me 2 million won because I was so poor. I saved enough money to collect and flush the toilet, but I moved to an officetel a few years later because I got skin disease from semi-underground fungus. I saved 90% of my salary for about three years, but when I had some seed money, I bought the officetel. Then I moved back to the boring semi-basement because I wanted to get a monthly rent, and the officetel got a monthly rent. Since then, I have invested in capital gains rather than profitability, and only then did I start studying real estate properly by reading books and listening to lectures. Three years after I started studying, I have not become rich yet. And when I looked around, everyone around me was so poor. I know too well that real estate can make you rich, but it's also true that the more you study, the more you get scared. I really want to be rich and show people around me that this is really the right way to win, and I want to be rich together. If you don't have any cash at all, you can do what you can start with a small amount of money, but you have to be confused dozens of times a day whether you should invest in jeonse with about 200 to 30 billion won, whether you should distribute it in the provinces, whether it's right to prepare for your own price first, or whether it's profitable. But I also think positively that it is studying and try not to be impatient. I would like to get the answer through the lecture of Director Song, who is really rich. Thank you again for giving me the opportunity to take these valuable lectures.
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