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EXO - EXODUS I think the exo-exodus album is a well-planned album that shows EXO's supernatural power concept, brand image, and musical concept. I think it was a teaser plan that re-established the world view that was confused by the withdrawal of EXO members through 'pathcode' and reminded them of their superpowers, and enjoyed each member's teaser time in the form of a participant that fans can guess, and understood EXO's identity well. After that, exodus, the second full-length album, I think EXO, which was full of boyishness in the previous album, has grown more mature and showed off their mature and sexy concept. Also, I think the album was well planned to include songs that remind me of the world view. We're back with the second album repackage, Love Me Right, and with a refreshing and innocent concept that's different from the previous ones, EXO showed various concepts and plans to pull off. Exo 2nd album exodus was loved by fans for its worldview, maturity & sexiness, and refreshing concept and planning, and I chose this album because it seemed to have built a good brand image of exo.
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