찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

the shame of an innocent childhood the despair of my existence in my youth the guilt of abortion still sorrow a broken heart I'm sorry for my daughters. the struggle for the students who are under pressure. I'm sorry to my parents. I'm sorry for my husband. • • • I think of all the negative emotions I've had in my life as a singing ball. by purifying with the sound of singing balls. I let it slip by the sound of a singing ball. Mother who died a month ago! You lived in a nursing home for a year and two months. He spent a lot of time with me until his death. It was time for mother and daughter to clean up the business together. The day before he died, he held hands with his mother in his imagination. I danced. tears streaming from the sound of singing balls I washed, washed, and left behind. It's love♥.
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