찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

I'm a student who hopes to continue drawing! I hope to be able to do it as a career:) I think it's easier to handle images than text in me. Emotionally and visually very sensitive and thought-provoking, but the ambiguity of painting alone painting? I think the unique feeling brings me a greater sense of refreshment than the writing. Also, the picture is like a spear to me, but I think it's a window that makes a person's personality more his or her own. I want to help make that window, and I want to sneak a peek at other people through it.🧐 I have a clear reason to decide to take the class! I think watercolors can express more broadly than people think. However, the expression seemed to have hardened as I painted watercolors based on my experience in college entrance exam art. It's not a bad thing to leave a mark, but I tried to express it by myself, but I couldn't find the exact way, so I felt like I was hitting the wall, and I was frustrated that the colors were similar every time. And then I found out that you were doing your class here, and I applied for it because I was so sure it was...! With this opportunity, I want to understand watercolor painting properly and expand my expression. I've never been very conscious of showing my emotions and painted, but I've always wanted to make use of the little experiences of overcoming that I' I'm really looking forward to the next new experience! Thank you for making a good lecture. Please take good care of me.
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