찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

Lighting and 3D chapters certainly take a long time to follow the river. LOL But thanks to John Kova's explanation, I'm following him.Haha I organized it because there are a lot of contents, but I am attaching it because I thought it would help other clients. * By default, 3-point lighting is enabled! Key Light: Making the direction and shadow of the main light Fill Light: Lighting to assist Key Light Back Light: Light seeps into the outside of the object and increases the ambience * Making a Amphibious Sensation A gradient must appear on the face of the object to give a better sense of conscience * Precautions for using 3D Layer Overlapping Z position positions causes invisible or broken graphics Make a difference of 1 pixel * 조명과 배경 조명은 오브젝트를 중심으로 설치 배경이 날아갈 경우 색과 오퍼시티 등을 조절해서 다시 맞춰줄 것 * 3D 로테이션 복잡하거나 디테일한 모션은 X, Y, Z 로테이션으로 간단한 모션은 오리엔테이션으로 작업해도 무방 * 조명에 모션주기 그림자, 밝기, 분위기 등이 전환되며 공간감+밀도 향상의 효과
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