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클래스 스토리1830개의 글

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22:30 _ It appears that the dae pen brush used to color the SD hat has been deleted by the exhibitor. crying Similar Recommended Brush: Use https://assets.clip-studio.com/ja-jp/detail?id=1744533! You won't be able to copy the link, but if you search Content ID: 1744533, the topic will pop up! Similar Recommended Brush 2: https://assets.clip-studio.com/ja-jp/detail?id=1744755 Content ID: 1744755
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I always draw eye-angle and expressionless face all over and over again. I've always had difficulties with other angles and expressions of emotion, but I was very helpful to Daon's kind lecture!! It's still awkward, but... If I continue to draw, I'm sure there will be progress, right? T^T... And I had difficulty drawing the mouth of the side with the angle applied, is there any good way? ಡ{ಡ)
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ID DUNE~!!! I almost didn't know that you drew it after my lecture because the application inside was amazing!! The wrinkles were so good, and the expressions between the characters were alive that I was so tired of drawing two people on the same canvas that I often don't draw them well, but these two characters in the same canvas are so witty. ID DUNE!!What's going on~!! (๑♡3♡๑)!! The shape, the facial expressions, and the colors are so good! It's perfect!! There's nothing to give feedback on the picture, but it's hard to make a side mouth.It's long, so I'm going to use my drawing method~ I converted it and put it on top! I think it'd be good to draw while thinking that you're touching the brush. I recommend you to draw it like water is flowing! You did a great job today!! ♥
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ᅲ..ᅲᅮᅮᅲᅲ.... 정말... I'm so happy to be over-complimented by Mr. Daon. ( ◞᷄દ◟᷅ )♥ .... I'll cheer up for the next class mission! Thank you very much.
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The mission is late.The more complicated the design, the more difficult it is to arrange the colors.I'm afraid it's too mixed up. Daong recommended a color scheme site, so I think I worked on it easily!! I really like the first site~! I'm so touched that you wrote your feedback carefully.ᅮ님 Thank you always, Da-on...Do you know I love you?♥́́́'*
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I am a student who is learning Photoshop and Kletu alternately. There were a lot of things that didn't know about Kletu's shortcut, but it would be very helpful if you explained it so easily! Daong, I was happy to learn how to draw like this, please take good care of me.
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