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클래스 스토리4337개의 글

It took me about an hour and a half, and I'm a little weak, but it's significant that I've drawn this with my own hands... ...and the importance of sketching. It was a very difficult practice if I didn't get the composition right! I'll draw another vase.😆
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I was going to draw a simple one, but it smudged because I painted the bottle entrance dark...I didn't know it would be this hard to put in yellow light again. I don't think it's obvious. I need to practice different colors.
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Oh, I just saw your review!!Use a light orange shade for yellow flowers, and a white flower is good to use a light yellow color together as you did in the class:-) A glass bottle with a transparent material is more light than a dark and thick border, or a light stroke or a curved line is a way to express it lightly.🥰 You drew it by yourself, but you drew it so well. If you review it like this, I think you'll improve your skills!
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Thank you for writing comments about the review!!! I'll review it with another flower!!!😊😊
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I wanted to have a hobby after work, so I saw Bonnie Room's Instagram and bought an oil pastel. It was hard to draw alone! I don't know how to simplify the picture by combining colors. I just happened to have a lecture, so I signed up. I hope I can freely draw things in my head by the end of the lecture!!!
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Hello, Sister-in-law! Oil pastels are easy to handle for beginners, but I fully understand that if you're not familiar with the painting, you don't know how to start:-) Use only colors on paper more conveniently than thinking about drawing something! The unique texture of the oil pastel will make you feel satisfied just by filling in the color! And I think it'll help me start by using different colors in the course of practicing techniques:) I'm looking forward to seeing how it will change when you're stubborn!😌💛 Please take care of me until I'm finished!
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Wow, it's really simple, but I can't believe there's such a pretty picture 💚 Nature is the most interesting.
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I'm glad everyone was so happy when we prepared for the healing class in the middle of the class.❣fi❣fiYou drew it so cool!! From now on, please enjoy drawing other paintings until the day you master natural objects:)
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마케터 나오미
Hello, ID 02! Class 101. Thank you so much for loving Bonnie Room's class. In order to introduce and recommend the class to more people, I would like to use this photo and some sentences from the review. We are planning to upload nicknames, registration dates, and personal information except for the parts that will be revealed! If you're curious about how it's reflected or don't want to expose it, please let me know through the link to the Class 101 inquiry and I'll help you with the quick action. Thank you so much for writing such a sincere review.
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I think it was more interesting and fun because there were more colors than I thought to expressing a sky! Horseshoe clouds were the hardest to express. I think it was more difficult to mix different colors like clouds after always expressing similar colors. 😂
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