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클래스 스토리2672개의 글

It's my first time drawing a line before drawing, and I realized that I can't draw as I thought. I've used various pens, and each of them has their own fun. But I'm not sure which one fits my hand and which one fits my picture... I've used any brush I've used before, but I hope you'll find the right one as you take the class.ᅲ
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Hello, Classmate! Yo-Yoru! You drew such cute friends and great characters! It's so cool that you know the characteristics of each brush! (Clap!!) Do you play croquis often? The lines are so neat and unique! It's like I'm enjoying it. He did the mission quickly in the beginning, but now I'm regretting it! I will reply as soon as possible from now on! Please listen to the lecture and I hope to see you again as a mission! I'll see you in lectures from now on! Nice to meet you~
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I just started painting, but after reading class 101 reviews, I was looking for a class where I could draw people of all ages from the basics! By the time you're done with the lecture, I hope you can draw characters of various ages and more natural poses!
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I'm slow at memorizing, so I'm looking at the video and lifting up my musclesI knew about the thoracic and abdominal muscles, but I think other muscles, especially the muscles around the legs, are still too difficult. I should practice watching videos every day...
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Hello, Hinnu! You did a great job with the muscles you grabbed while watching the video! Leg muscles are unfamiliar to you! It can happen. It's rare to draw leg muscles that are so revealing compared to the upper body! You only need to understand the muscles and knee cartilage that form the shape of the thigh. If you get used to it while watching the video, I recommend you practice more with other photos! You did a great job. If you have a hard time, please read my explanation and lecture. Thank you for your hard work!*^^*
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Due diligence~ I prefer semi- I drew it for practice, but it's not easy.
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더 많은 실제 후기를 만날 수 있어요!
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