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클래스 스토리179개의 글

I've got four flower petals.💐🥰 I need to practice more so that the petals can cover the surgery.😭
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bang anggeum
Oh, my God. 💖 I didn't expect you to make it this pretty. 🧡 You've got the right size and color.🙌🏻 Peony flowers are a difficult design! We need a lot of practice. Peony flowers have high difficulty in coloring and shaping the dough. But you did a pretty good job.🙌🏻 Next time, I think it would be good to cover up the surgery by making the peony petals bigger. I'm looking forward to the next design.☺️💖
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bang anggeum
Hello~ I'd like to add some more information on kneading 🤗 Look below and make dough! ✔fiMy microwave output is over 1000W. 👉🏻If you make the recipe, the dough can get hard. Please shorten it by more than a minute. ✔ The dough is sticky 👉🏻Maybe it's because there's not enough water to put in the spring chicken. Increase the volume from 12.5g to 15g. ✔ The dough is dry and cracked 👉🏻 Increase the amount of water to 15g in the spring sediment. 👉🏻Mix Kyuhee and microwave it for 1 minute -> 30 seconds -> 30 seconds (based on 1000W). If you rotate it by the time stated above, the dough can be very soft. If it was too sticky, put it on a sieve and cut it into small pieces. Repeat clumping and blowing enough moisture out of the air.🙌🏻
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Hello sir ! Is it separate between Choonseolanggeum and Baekokanggeum? They sell 1kg of the product that says Baekokanggeum! Do I have to buy it with Choonseolanggeum?🧐
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bang anggeum
Hello! Chunseol and Baekok are different in concentration! Baekok's sediment is more watery than the Chunseol's. That's why the recipe changes when you make dough. Unlike white jade engravings, spring-snow engravings can also be used as the engravings in a flower cake, so please prepare spring-snow engravings in this class!It's too salty to use right away. They need to flush the water out.~)
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I applied for a class because I wanted to make various designs of confectionery because they were so pretty. I will study hard!
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