찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

I really enjoyed Leah's Shopee lecture. Thank you so much for the good lecture. Q10 + I will listen to the rest of the lecture and run it. ^^ There's not much time left. Way to go! Teacher LEA, I have a question! When purchasing a product on Naver, they also do marketing like, "If you leave a photo view, I'll give you a free gift." Like Class 101 gives you a point in the mission comments. Is there a way to do marketing like this at Shopee? If you leave a comment, we'll give you a discount coupon. I'll give you a free gift. An event like this. Is there any way to send free gifts to customers who purchase them through Shop SLS? (FYI, there's no link in the school that you'll leave at the end of the lecture.) JM: The link to the Shopee chatbot counseling room has changed. You need to inquire by clicking [Customer Center] at the bottom right of this page. https://help.shopeekorea.kr/hc/ko As I listened to it late, there were some changes in the middle.
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