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클래스 스토리1450개의 글

크리에이터가 고정함
ium macrame
There are people who find it difficult to attach the string to use when walking mini-months, so we upgraded it to a class note reference. There are many ways to hang a monthly king, but I'll explain it in one of the simple ways. I'm going to tie the strap about 80cm to both sides of the wooden stick. Wrap it up from the back of the wooden stick 30cm at the end. Make a ring and pull it out from the top of the wooden stick with the ring that you can tighten it. (Refer to the class note photo and follow along slowly.) If you hang both of them like this, you can hang them on the wooden stick from the back of the moonwalking and tie the strings together. When you clean up the Fringe, it will be easier if you take care of the threads that are twisted into 3 strands and untie them and make straight debts.
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Ah~^ Here you are.
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ium macrame
크리에이터가 고정함
ium macrame
I'm sending you a cut of 4 and 6 lines. I couldn't take it because I thought the remaining thread would be enough to solve the problem. I'm sorry for the inconvenience I didn't explain in advance.
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I tried the size just enough to fit my phone. Front back 18 lines 180. The line is 14 lines and 14 lines and 14 lines. One line at the beginning.Third, third, fourth, and second. Seven lines on both sides. Just a little bit of thread left. He's got 16 steps. Galaxy Note size entrance is narrow, so it's tight. It goes in well with the mini prop bag. I think I can watch YouTube and make a work now. By the way, the bag strap is so pretty and nice, can I know where I bought it?
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ium macrame
Wow! You made a great bag using the bonus tip I gave you to grow the size. Thank you for completing it beautifully. The strap chain I put in the deluxe kit was custom-made by the customer to prepare for this class. If you look at the metal chain store on the 5th floor of Dongdaemun General Market, you can find similar chain straps. I haven't found a place where I make and sell this chain with a bag strap yet.
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I made it like this. I think it's prettier than the first bag.
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