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클래스 스토리1504개의 글

크리에이터가 고정함
Wellbeing Band
Modern people suffering from sympathetic neuropathy say that their whole body becomes stiff and their heart rate increases when stable. How was your day today? Can you feel my heart rate well? I want you to focus on listening and feeling. The easiest way to lower the heart rate when stabilizing is by breathing the diaphragm. The heart and lungs are placed on the diaphragm, the diaphragm shrinks down, and when it's stretched up, our hearts can move and exercise together. Inhale increases venous blood regression to the heart when the diaphragm goes down. And of course, the lymphatic fluid. You want to study hard, don't you? 1-1 Study the anatomy of the diaphragm and feel it with your body.
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Wellbeing Band
If you can't feel the diaphragm breathing well, enjoy the rhythmic movement first.
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크리에이터가 고정함
Wellbeing Band
Did you have a good day today? If you feel like you're feeling drenched and dull, put your hand in the well-being band's handle and enjoy the hurrah. If you've never seen it before, you'll find the content difficult. But try to keep challenging little by little by little. At some point, the most recent and proven exercise method will become your habit. If your shoulder hurts and it's difficult to move, start with the shoulder bone movement. Breathe out and... I've sorted out each chapter, so it's good to see what you're interested in first. If you feel like it's too fast or slow, you can adjust the speed, so please listen to it repeatedly and feel it. Next Wednesday, 4 or 5 chapters will be open.
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Wellbeing Band
Are you enjoying yourself?
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Hello~~I've been a physical therapist for 15 years and I've been running fitness accidentally for 10 years, correcting and rehabilitating my body shape.~I'm always studying with a focus on pain care and movement improvement, but studying body that makes me endless and humble~^^It's a center where there are much more people coming because they're sick than dieting. At some point, the number of cancer patients increased, so I wanted to study lymphatic circulation, but I happened to meet my teacher on Facebook.~~ Even though we're the same woman, we fell in love at first sight with our great looks.~^^ I want to study together and fill in my shortcomings.^^
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Wellbeing Band
Thank you. I write a book called "Mothers' Body Study" and hold a reading debate every Tuesday night. Please send me kakaotalk ins450.
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크리에이터가 고정함
Wellbeing Band
Exhale focuses on breathing. The diaphragm is also a muscle. It's easy for modern people suffering from stress to reduce this muscle. So you might feel like you can't breathe well. When exhaling, the diaphragm relaxes, stretches, and rises. At this point, the internal organs move together move. What if there's a fetus growing in there? My mom will be able to provide me with a really good moving environment.
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Wellbeing Band
Let's restore elasticity by relaxation and contraction of diaphragm.
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크리에이터가 고정함
Wellbeing Band
1-1 Please download and save the class notes before you study.
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