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클래스 스토리4316개의 글

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I tried complementary colors by holding the yellow as the base! I think the contrast tone is too awkward. crying
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Blossom U
Hmm... Is that so? I think it looks pretty to me.😄 It may vary depending on your personal preference, so it would be good to look for various images. I'm attaching a reference because there's an image that comes to mind after seeing the color. By the way, the last color number 3 is blue, not navy.🙃
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Interior photography space. I like cute things, but I'm thirsty because I don't have enough color to express it. And I thought I was born with this kind of sense, but when I learned it, I learned it from the curriculum and applied right away! My goal is to create a more harmonious representation of the space I'm staying in after class and the visual I see. I'm looking forward to it. Thank you so much for making this special class.❤️
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Blossom U
Hello, Summer Song-song. If you want to express it in a cute way, you can easily access it if you know the color well. However, this class is online, so you can feel it more clearly for interior design to explain it clearly. I think it'll be helpful if you use it in a toned-down way. It would be great if the place where you stay is beautiful and harmonious. I'm sure you'll have your own color and new challenges at the end of this class. I hope it will be as helpful as I wish.💓
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I practiced three different colors in three different ways.
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Blossom U
They're all so pretty! You did a great job, Mr. Doeun. By the way, one green, turquoise, and blue page. I think it would be good to change the 2nd question number 3 to light tone. Or you can switch seats fi and fi. ^^
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I've tried red and orange often. ~
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Are these real names? Or was it built by a different color lab? The colors go so well with the name. It was fun. Frequently lively, not tacky, and pretty pink! It felt so cheerful, like the name "Very Frequent." Sunflower color - color! As soon as I saw him, I thought he was a sunflower, and his name was also sunflower color.Haha Green grape color - Shine Muscat color that I ate all through Chuseok! My mouth is watering. I love the fair blue-name!
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