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클래스 스토리135개의 글

Hello, Rose. A 24-year-old girl who dreams of becoming a florist:) I want to learn hard and become a wonderful and beautiful florist like Rose! I still have a lot of concerns in many directions, but I believe I'll do a great job. 😊 Thank you for making a good class.
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Hi, nice to meet you.🌸 If you're 24 years old, there's so much potential.I think it's good to think hard in many ways. I'll believe in the possibility of our classmates to do well. Fighting!❣️
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I'm the first one, ☺I went to the flower market and picked it myself. I didn't see what kind of flower you're going to use!
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I was going to buy the wrong flower because it didn't look good, but I think it was a good. 😭😭 (Shock) Round-type holds the binding point relatively upwards, and the branches of the Lycian and Hellevurs spread out on the top, making it difficult to bind. How do we deal with this?
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And when I went to the flower market for the first time, there were so many kinds of flowers that I didn't know (especially the leaf type), but I hope there will be a section that introduces what kind of flowers or decorations you use when you do this type of work.🌿
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In this class video, I recommend you to show the type of flowers I use first, and if it's difficult to choose flowers since the lecture starts, I recommend you to watch the main course before you go to the market:) A more diverse combination is actually to increase your sense by seeing and making a lot.It will be helpful to see many combinations with your eyes. Nevertheless, I understand that when I go to the flower market, I feel hopeless. In that case, you can choose a picture of the bouquet you want to make and practice buying the same or similar materials! If you want to see a more diverse combination of flowers, you can watch my daily Paris florist episode on YouTube, Rose in Paris, and you can see me making various bouquets.☺fi I will try to upload videos that show various flower combinations so that you can steadily improve your eyes.🌸❤️🌸
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Hello Rose 😌 When I was at my parents' house, my mom always put flowers in my house, but after independence, I decided to take them because I wanted flowers to be with me. I want to have a happy time with flowers.
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Hello, Taekyung. Welcome. 🥰 I still remember the flowers that my mom used to put in when I was young. I think the power of the beautiful moment flowers is greater than I thought. It's a pretty flower even if you just leave it alone, but I'll help you look prettier like your own work. If you have any difficulties, feel free to leave comments.💕
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The autumn sky is so pretty in Seoul.~ Rose and the flowers will make me even more excited. See you soon~ 💐
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