찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

Hello, teachers of Juskjeolk. Thank you so much for your online class. When I was nine years old, I took the first step in dancing with the genre of poppin. When I was young, my first teacher taught me that I should listen to music a lot and like music before dancing as a link. As I grow up with dance, I prefer Guk-Hip among music genres, and I practice rapping as much as I like dancing. I am Kim Tae who is 15 years old and wants to dance and rap like Jaebum Park and become a multi-type entertainer. Since I became a middle school student, I want to be educated professionally and pursue my dream and keep giving birth. Since I was young, I started to dance freestyle naturally while dancing poppin' and going to the battle. Freestyle is the easiest thing for me, but on the other hand, the difficulty is that I'm slow at memorizing choreography, choreography cover, and choreography. That's my concern about my dance.~ The video I uploaded is a dance creation with the rap that I usually listen to. It's not enough, but... about three months ago Listen to this music, sing it, and then beat it to the beat. I made the choreography. I'm not confident in the choreography. There are a few songs that I created to fit my favorite rapper or rapper and made up my own choreography. I wanted to show you who I am, so I was brave. I uploaded one of them.~ And for the next mission, I will make sure to wear shoes.
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