찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

The naked woman is holding water in both hands. One's pouring water into the ground, the other's pouring into the water pool. There's a bird on the tree watching this. It's gonna be hard to get rid of it. I'm like me inside, watching you not to give up in the middle of it. The water in both hands is what she wants to pour out. I feel like it's an internal, external conflict that's been hard on her. I feel like I want to get out of the past and go back to the days when I had to spend my time focusing on what was seen wearing expensive clothes. I think he wants to take it all off and throw it away. I feel like I want to start over again through this process. I feel like it's starting with the blessings of the stars. The big stars are doing well for her. I read it as if it were supporting me on. It makes me feel better. It's fascinating. It's easy to understand. It makes me feel better.
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