찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

1. Why do you take classes? A middle school student who dreamed of profiling after seeing Dr. Pyo Chang-won 10 years ago has now become a law student who dreams of becoming a lawyer. I've always been thrilled to see your profiling videos. Just because you can take the profiling classes you teach yourself, that's good enough.Haha 2. When and how long will you take this class for a week? I'd like to listen to it all at once, but I think I'll take it as slowly as I can and understand each one! 3. Have you looked through all the curriculums of the class? What is the most anticipated lecture? Yes! I'm looking forward to analyzing the victim's profile. Still, investigators seem to see a tendency to be biased toward the victim's attitude. That's why I think the lectures will help to eliminate such preconceptions.
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