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클래스 스토리108개의 글

I want to change myself. I applied for this class because I thought it would be the beginning of changing the quality of life.
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Wuram Coach
Hello, Wookcheol! I don't think anything changes in a moment. If you work hard every day to reach your target, you'll find yourself changing! Let's cheer up for today.🙌🏻
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I'll try my best to make you laugh at the end of class.
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Wuram Coach
Hello, I'm Coach Uram.^^ First of all, thank you for taking my class 😁 You'll definitely be able to smile at the end of the chapter by completing it step by step. Fighting!
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Hello, I've been working out for over 9 years. I like working out alone, so I worked hard. I've been on a diet and working out 5 times a week. Currently, I am trying to keep my height below 172kg, 73kg, 12% body fat, and 36kg of skeletal muscle mass. It's been almost 3 years since I got married, had a baby, and didn't go to the gym, but I'm working hard. But these days, I have a question.Is it right for me to do it? Is this healthy? As a busy modern office worker, is it right to wake up at 5 a.m., exercise in the morning, exercise in the evening, and live in a state of exhaustion? Do I only want a vacation body? If you exercise for a long time, your body doesn't change suddenly.On the contrary, the stress of hurting your body is no joke. I registered to find the answer.
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Wuram Coach
Hello Jinsoo! The key to building your body through exercise is "exercise intensity"! The intensity of exercise can be adjusted by a total of five factors: weight, frequency, set, break time, and exercise tempo, and even if you exercise for 30 minutes, you can get enough strength if you concentrate. Rather than being obsessed with exercising, I recommend that you make a habit like breaking a given mission day by day. I'll be next to you! Just think that you have an exercise mate and ask me any small questions, so I'll do my best to answer them!
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It's hard to find a trainer at the gym who is passionate about how to eat and how to exercise. Money and time. I'll trust you and follow you. I'll start today!
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