찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

I still can't stand my head, but I think I felt the passage of my spine a little more than before. As much as you can breathe. After standing on the head and shoulders, there were tremors that spread out the chest following the sound of singing ball. Usually, when I hear the sound of singing ball, I have a vibration (?) that spreads out my pelvis, but it was the first time that my heart was pounding together. The green light looks wide and disappears. If you look at the difficulty of the posture that you have to stretch out, you have to stretch out your crouching body consistently. My left chest hurt a little this afternoon, but I feel a little cool. There are so many things that are still closed at the same time. I think there's a long way to go until my breathing gets softer. Thank you for leading us today, for being able to see us. Namaste
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