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클래스 스토리547개의 글

I applied it while observing the original strokes, and it was difficult to draw 'fi' characters, and it was difficult to apply the thin contrast of English compositions to Hangul.ㅠㅠ! Maybe that's why I feel like I'm grumpy compared to the existing English typo ㅠㅠ...Please give us feedback! :)
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Studio Funday
The 'fi' part was difficult! In fact, besides translating English into Korean, Yi Eung is very difficult to draw.😂 First of all, what I can tell you is that if the thickness of the strokes in the letters is different, especially when the strokes are thick and thin, the strokes are thin. As in this image, the thickness is maintained and the circular shape needs to be changed to be natural. In the "ball" that Dayeon drew, the "eung" part might look awkward because it's not expressed like this. I think you did a good job expressing the waves in the original! You did a good job👏👏👏
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Thank you for your feedback! I revised the 'fi' to reflect your opinion and digitize it roughly. It didn't look as pretty as the one you gave me. I think the part that I said was awkward in the previous work has been supplemented to some extent.
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Studio Funday
But it looks much more organized than before! I think it would be better to trim the wave expressions of "in" and "g" in a softer and more natural way. For example, it would be better to make the strokes thinner as you go to the end.👏 👏 👏
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I sketched 'Falloon' thinking about the feeling of a waterfall pouring down from a cliff. When I sketched it in one stroke, I could see the word waterfall, but when I made the thickness, it felt like it wasn't readable. ㅠㅠ, after doing it myself, I think it will take a lot of practice.
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댓글 2개 전체 보기
Studio Funday
Well, I think it's much better for readability than before! Which do you think is better, Minjung?
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I only thought about the characteristics of the water and made the second sketch. But now that I'm comparing the two, I think I can see the strong feeling of the waterfall better in the first sketch. I'll try to correct the word so that it doesn't deviate too much from its image.
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Studio Funday
I hope it will be complemented to get closer to what you intended! I think we need a good combination of the first and second sketches.😄 Fighting!👏👏👏
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The fact that the letters are angled and sharply expressed is reminiscent of the image of the sun shining through the clouds. This is how the sun must feel in the early in the morning. It makes me think...Also, I like the part where the letters are combined well with the background without expressing one color. What's a little disappointing is that when I first saw it, I read it as "Saenaegu." It's hard to place it in line with the flow of my eyes, and I think it's something I have to pay attention to:)
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Studio Funday
Hello :) You were reminded of the sun shining through the clouds! As you said, it is also a good point to arrange the letters according to the flow of your eyes. It is important to study and understand how to arrange and list. Well found!👍
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I need to prepare a grid note! Teacher, it has nothing to do with the class, but burn the candle and ventilate it!^^ For your health.
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