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I took the second class today. It's hard for me to just do it, but I don't know how hard it must be for Onni, who works out while explaining. The second class was much better than the first class. It really felt like my butt was stimulating. It feels like it's tightening my inner muscles, but it was a class where I really felt stimulated when I did it with the class taught by Mr. Ondo rather than Mr. Pt. I found out through YouTube, and through this, I gained trust in the teacher and decided on Onni's class, not other classes, without any doubt. Rather than just exercising hard, if you want to get stimulated and take care of your body, I recommend this class. And through this class, I realized the importance of stretching. I usually start weights right away because I'm too tired, but after stretching my hip and releasing a lot of troops, it feels more mobile. I don't know exactly about exercise, but it felt different after than before. Especially for those with twisted posture, I would like to recommend this lecture. I took a lot of classes, but I definitely liked them. (I can't participate in the event because I don't have an Instagram, but ㅠㅠ ££££££££££££££££££££.) I'm always rooting for you, so fighting!That's)
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