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클래스 스토리498개의 글

me that others see I'd like to be friends with others, like people, but I think it's expressed in terms of defensive attitudes. I think others will feel it, bright and kind, but I feel like I'm keeping my distance!
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Coast Guard, I just saw the picture you left in the first lecture of the chapter, and I came over to this lecture, leaving a comment saying that I could see a dignified person with a wary but confident attitude. Interestingly, I can see the same things in this picture! The root part is firmly blocked by the wall, but the leaves and the blooming flowers are more confident and attractive than any other flower's image. The stem of the flower is also very thick. Isn't there a clear division between what you want to show to others and what you never want to show? That's how you protect your roots. Many unconscious and conscious actions to protect me and to have psychological stability are called 'defensive devices.' I also think of this concept when I see your painting. Many actions to protect me are necessary for us, but on the other hand, it also means that I'm locking my heart that tightly. On the surface, she's bright and nice and kind to everyone, but even that could be an excessive effort to defend me. It's definitely a flower, but looking at the image of a huge, thick, and large pillar like a tree, I wonder if the Coast Guard is paying attention to what others see, and if it's too much effort to make yourself tired. I hope you've also explored these areas in the third lecture of the chapter:) Thank you for sharing your precious image! 🙏
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🗣 Run at full speed for the goal I look back on my mind. 🗣The runner's heart is in a hurry, but he is confident, so he runs with all his might without doubtless doubt. 🗣Looking back at the present, I am eager to achieve my goal quickly.
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Thank you for sharing this picture with us, Coast Guard! I can't believe you're listening to the first round, working on it, and leaving comments! You're doing great! When I saw the picture of the Coast Guard, I first noticed the part where the ground was drawn downhill. Have you thought about what this part means to you? The downhill may seem like a smooth road at first glance, but from my point of view, it also feels like 'accelerating regardless of my will,' 'difficult to stop running on my own,' and 'dangerous if I fall.' And in the part where you wrote 'For Your Goal', 'Speed Power', 'Running Without Doubt', 'Wanting to achieve your goal quickly', it seems like you have a goal you really want to achieve. I'm curious about what the goal is, what it means to the Coast Guard, and why you want to achieve it quickly. Seeing that you're running without hesitation in your optimal running outfit, it seems like you're running with a firm heart right now. I'd like to ask you if you're having a hard time running, if you have time to stop and look around, or if you feel comfortable when you run like this. It's really important for us to achieve any goals in life, but on the other hand, wouldn't it be necessary to be comfortable and happy so that I can keep my own happiness regardless of the outcome? My comment may not be the answer, but I think it would be good to think about these parts with the image you worked on and organize the first round.^^ Thank you so much for sharing the picture and the contents. Have a comfortable and happy day today.^^
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Yes, thank you. Ah:) The downhill road is originally flat, but I took a crooked picture and came out of the downhill!! 😆 The moment you run should be comfortable, but you will look back on your current running mind like you're in a hurry! I'll look back so that the process is comfortable and enjoyable. 🙏🙏🙏Thank you for your feedback. Have a happy day.😆💛💕
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Oh, I see! This happens because I communicate with pictures, not real paintings! It's so cool that you're heading for your goal ☺ I hope you can see the beautiful scenery around you so that you don't get tired while running, take a break when you're in need, and reach your goal safely when you want. 💚 Thank you:)
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I've been waiting for this lecture.💛 I'll keep up with the art therapy class!
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Hello, Coast Guard: Thank you for waiting until the launching day! Follow me step by step and get used to the structure of art therapy and you will be able to meet meaningful images for me! I support you with all my heart the process of meeting and understanding me through images💚 Thank you!
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Teacher 😍 I look forward to it! 🤍🤍
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