찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

Celebrating the end of chapter~ I knew it before! I'm very, very, very, very, very sensitive (comparative 50+ (daily) subclinical 25 inertia 25 personality 0) I feel like I'm full of stamina, except for the agility and luck of my game character.Who plays the game like this? #My presence #My image #My image #For me #Social achievement #Everything feels like it's my center?! It's true in real life, too. I think the difference is that I don't ring the golden bell for my image, but I spend a lot of money. I'm not that interested in what people think of me, but I want to be nicer to them if they do well! Do you like me? Then I like you too!! That's what he's like. (Compliments are right.) It's true that I'm sensitive to other people evaluating me, but I feel I'm actually more sensitive to being evaluated. So I'm more conscious of that and try to make sure that I don't get ugly hair. I think I'm making it into an ideal image that I'm satisfied with. I like it, but are you dissatisfied? With Aniko? Toughly, you're evaluating me? Yes, no. - Should I say it's closer to this feeling? (Actually, backbiting is something I don't know until it gets to me, right? So you don't worry or even think about anything until I know it?I think it's indifference to what's going on outside my scope. I'm sorry that I can't speak properly, I want to think more deeply, and I hate the personality of not being able to sit tight and finish things. It's not in your life. I'll have to wait until I get lucky. kkku ㅜㅜfi In fact, I know myself so well that I know things so well that I need things, things are not enough, and sometimes I know solutions. Knowing and acting are different... hahaha Okay, let's move on to chapter three and come back to review it.
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