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클래스 스토리210개의 글

🥳 Mrs. Tee, do your class potting. ❤ Heart, heart, strawberry banana.
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안녕하세요. 티여입니다! 우선 오픈 당일에 이런 멋진 그림 올려주셔서 너무너무 감사해요🥰 색 배치도 너무 예쁘고 머리핀이나 가디건에 하트 액세서리를 추가한 것도 인상적이에요! 이미 충분히 아름다운 그림이라 어느 부분을 피드백 해드려야 할지 고민했는데요. 다음 내용은 제 스타일이라고 생각해주시면 좋을 것 같아요😊 1. 테두리 선색 바꾸기 -전체적으로 분홍분홍한 캐릭터라 검은 색이 아닌 고동색으로 테두리 선색을 바꾸면 부드럽고 자연스러운 분위기를 낼 수 있을거예요! 2. 채색을 다른 느낌으로도 해보기 -물론 지금의 채색도 너무 예쁘지만 다른 채색도 연습해보면 좋을 것 같아 말씀드립니다! 현재 펜 브러쉬만을 이용해서 머리 채색을 하신 것 같아요! 볼에 자연스러운 홍조를 띠게 만든 것 처럼 머리 부분 채색도 부드러운 경계로 그려보는건 어떠실까요? 클래스 메이트 분들의 그림실력이 뛰어날 것 같다고 예상은 했지만 프리챕터 미션부터 너무 멋지게 그려주셔서 엄청 놀랐어요! 예쁜 그림 감사하고, 본 챕터에서 다시 만나요! 🤗💕
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Thank you so much ㅠㅠ! I've read all the meticulous feedback. 😭❤ I'm so grateful that you complimented me on my poor drawing and gave me detailed feedback. 💧❣ Good luck with your class!
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I'm looking forward to your class. I will always support you from afar 💗
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Hello, I'm T-Yeo! How do you know I like purple ㅠㅠ!! The purple layout is natural, the light and dark depictions are great, and the color changes are very sensible! I'm guessing you're quite a painter.🤔 It's such a perfect picture, so I thought a lot about which part to give you feedback. The feedback is as follows. 1. Bright and dark brush - I think the brush with light and shade is a pen brush with clear boundaries! Of course, it's a simple SD drawing, so the clear light and shade can be attractive, but I think the description of the top of the head of the hair looks awkward. Why don't you use an ex. airbrush with a soft border? 2. Highlight color. - I think you used white hair as the highlight color. The character's hair color is purple, so I recommend you to highlight it with light purple! Because white highlights have a lot of artificial vibes! (Purple objects need strong light to be white.) If it's hard to choose a color, it'll be convenient to make a separate layer of highlights and adjust the transparency! You've already done a great job. Please keep my feedback in mind. 😊 You did a great job from the first mission. I'm looking forward to your work. See you again at Bonchapter!🙇🏻‍♀️
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Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Thank you for the round feedback.💗💗 See you at Bonchapter :)
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It's my first time doing a painting, but it's easy because of the line. I've never used a tool before, and it was easy to recognize because I use Photoshop. I can't wait to learn another lecture!
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Hello! I'm T-Yeo:) As soon as I saw it, I was amazed! You're such a great combination of colors! The gradation is natural, and thanks to the circle in the background, it looks like a cocktail. You're too good to be the first color! The feedback I'll give you is as follows. 1. Missed light and shade - You left out light and shade on your bag strap and cardigan! The other parts are light and dark, so I think it's more flatter. Just like you expressed light and shade on your clothes, hair, and face, if you put it in the rest, it will be a harmonious picture overall :) 2. Choose the light and shade color. - The light and shade color you put in the head part is a bit lighter! I think it would be good to paint the inner part with a more bold color. (A green color that increases chroma and brightness) I think there will be a pen type effect. If you put light and shade with a pen with a clear boundary, you can get a hard color! So let me tell you what it's like to put light and shade in a pen with a light pen! (ex. airbrush) The lecture on pens will also be covered in this chapter, so if it's hard to find it, you can set it up together then! You said it was your first time painting, but you did an incredibly good job, so I'm looking forward to your performance in this lecture.+_+ See you then! Thank you for everything.🤗
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I'll try my best to learn.
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I didn't use the composition you posted. It's not that pretty, but I worked hard!
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더 많은 실제 후기를 만날 수 있어요!
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