찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

China is returning to normal. If we overtake the U.S. in GDP between 28 and 35 years, and military power around 50 years, we're going to be a hegemonic power in the '60s and '70s. The Chinese live in a socialist society, but they are born capitalists. The endless pursuit of money... I've heard that when Chinese people come to Korea, it's very amazing that they get something for free, and that Korea has a lot of free things, so I've been told that it's more socialist. In China, there's nothing you can get without paying. I think he's more capitalistic than we are. Misunderstanding and prejudice prevent my accumulation of wealth. I believe that active understanding of China and Chinese people also contributes to the accumulation of wealth in my country and the Republic of Korea.
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