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According to a foreign student majoring in computer science, Chinese and Indian students are the countries with the most outstanding geniuses. Among them, Chinese geniuses are called by the country and turned into charge leaders for innovation in Internet Plus, but Indian geniuses seem to be satisfied because they are just American citizens. I don't think they want to go back to their homeland under India's caste system. Examples are Satya Nadella and Sunda Pichai CEOs. Both of them were Indian students, but they didn't go back and went to the CEO. For all innovative IT companies, the percentage of Indian engineers at executive level is increasing. I don't know if it's because of Steve Jobs' DNA or because of Apple's corporate culture, but I think Apple's executives are all white. By the way, I think Apple's Tim Cook CEO is also a sexual minority and unique. After all, I think the merger of Tencent's big picture is the reason why Mei Cheng Dienping has been able to grow so far. Synergy of the merger with Dien Ping, and Chairman Wang Xing's amazing drive! Feat Policy + 1.4 Billion Population
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