찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

I don't think it's possible to become an innovative company even if the background of large companies helps to grow to a certain extent in the early stages. I don't think the DNA of an innovative company comes from a large company. Rather than a market-destructive company, I think it'll be a company that leads with a moderate margin.And then it'll be eaten up by an innovative company. I've been feeling a lot about the DNA of an innovator recently, too, that it's not something that you can copy. For example, it feels like the difference between wavve and netflix, which are currently in the streaming market. I've actually used both of them, and I've tried to imitate them, but I feel like they're not real. In order to catch up with Netflix's innovation late, the broadcasting company and SK co-produced it, but in my opinion, I lost my laughter when I saw an adult category and an adult+category in the wavve category. SK Telecom's entrapment policy only increases sales and administrative costs and lowers operating profit; it seems to keep launching services that cannot be maintained. I think companies that smell of government plus large companies should not invest in the most part. Compared to Naver and Kakao's service, it's really terrible. I'm sorry. I'm excited by the trick of inserting the service without realizing it. I think we're going to say at the meeting that we've gotten this much more users. Our department's users have improved a lot, so let's have a get-together. This is all my subjective opinion. It's my assignment.
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