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I used a chef-made canulet.LOL I was so screwed, I was thinking about releasing the photos. I post it because I want to share a laugh. I didn't think about the difference in the frame, and I did what I learned about the temperature. It's so swollen that I can't even tamp it in.😇 I tried vanilla earl grey salt caramel. Two things failed, and only Earl Grey succeeded in the last attempt! I think it's perfect for 60g panning. And after 10 minutes of baking in a 250 degree oven, the color was so bad that I did it for 20 minutes at 220 degrees, 30 minutes at 190 degrees! I have a question...Even if I do tamping, the dough comes up again, what's the reason?At the end, I almost succeeded in reducing the amount of panning because the dough kept coming up and the bottom was not baked.Canule seems to be very difficult.
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