찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

I'm listening to your master's lecture. I deeply reflected on the fact that I had neglected the lighting interior and moved on to the practice right away. "I don't know if I don't practice it" We've added/replaced/changed a lot of lights on the front door and entrance side. All the lights are sensor lights, and the LED lights that give points are purchased separately by purchasing a sensor switch (set to 1 minute). The construction took place over two days last Saturday and Sunday. Since my major in university is electrical engineering, I was able to construct myself. It would have cost a lot to call an engineer. First of all, I briefly summarize the pictures and share them. There are more parts, but there is also personal privacy, so I captured only a part of it. I'd like others to put it into practice. My major is electricity, so I can help you a little bit. After finishing the work, after lighting up, my wife and kids especially like it. Among them, the youngest's evaluation was the best. "Dad, my house turned into an art museum," and the fatigue of heavy labor (electricity corporation is heavy labor) ran away for two days. Everything is thanks to the professor. Once again~ "Not practicing is not knowing". Thank you.
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