찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

It's been three years since I've worked alone as a young businesswoman, with the goal of having a good family. I sympathized a lot because the influence and values of my friends were so similar. Until the last video, please say a word. That's what I always say. I don't know how much I nodded and watched it alone. Thank you for starting the lecture so that you can watch and experience precious stories that you can't hear anywhere else. I'm running an offline store teaching Pilates, and I was disappointed with myself, who decided to expand with curiosity that I could overcome the corona earlier this year, and I was in a bad situation, but I courageously took the course thinking that mental management was a priority. I was wondering why I couldn't come here yet because I was listening to the lecture. I realized that there's a difference in results. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to look back and get a hold of myself. Happy New Year, Yeonju!
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