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클래스 스토리1006개의 글

An important time for basic learning - a time when continuous repetition and learning are important. It is effective to carry out various activities 30 minutes a day. phonics & sight words 코칭 English is second to the family. Phonetic training - Learning letters aloud makes different sounds when consonants and vowels meet, especially paying attention to vowels. D + E + S + K Learn Phoenix and Wordsworth through art play+game Color, day of the week. Numbers.Try various activities such as saying the opposite, similar words, etc. "Sight words" - words that appear frequently in sentences. Words that are not easily expressed in pictures such as adjectives, prepositions, pronouns, adverbs, connections, and articles. Words that are not pronounced according to the rules of the letter. A prepositional form that goes between words and words and helps construct sentences. Sight words must be learned through meaningful sentences, The area should be expanded through actual sentences. # Defined as a tool for reading. Reading is key in some education!! Advantages - If you learn a book before you read it, you should learn it in advance because there are many good words. Not boring by various topic activities. English picture book is the best material to meet English as a language. Remember. My Practice - Make Active Use of the Sight Wireds Dr. Seuss takes out a fairy tale book and reads it
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Leader Kesa
The queen of tidying up. You're the coolest, greatest, most brilliant theorem ever. Wow!@~
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The importance of literacy you've always emphasized... It felt like something was being sorted out. This is why I feel that I should not neglect reading English books... I'll make a good plan so that I can continue to do it according to my child's level. Ah... College Scholastic Ability Test English...It's been almost 30 years since I saw you... I should study, too.
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Leader Kesa
It's hard ㅠㅠ That's why I put my babies up here in order not to criticize them.^^ It's a pity. crying
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I've been wanting to learn English for kids.
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Leader Kesa
First of all, as a lady who has been on that path, she delivers her heart to me. You're not greedy. I'm trying to help you do better. I'm rooting for you!
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I'm the one. . . . I guess that's why he hated English because he didn't listen to it with me. If you ask me to watch the DVD with you, I'll watch it. Maybe he wanted to join us.
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