찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

🔥 Precautions for downloading the Cameo 5 program and connecting to the PC🔥 When using ✔ ️ Cameo 5, the program must be downloaded to the latest version! If it is not the latest version, the machine and PC may not be connected. The ✔ ️ Cameo 5 has a Bluetooth connection, so please make sure that your PC has a Bluetooth connection. 📌 If it's a PC that doesn't support Bluetooth, please prepare a separate 'dongle' for the wireless receiver. Please prepare a 📌 or USB connector. ⭐Cameo 5 Wireless Connection Bluetooth Receiver (Dongle) Purchase Link https://smartstore.naver.com/silhouettestore/products/9622833257 ⭐Cameo 5 UBS connection cable purchase link (for both Cameo, Portrait, and Curio) https://smartstore.naver.com/silhouettestore/products/6972845975
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