찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

Why did you find out that the target had an opensh vulnerability Command Execution, and you searched Metasploit to attack the modules that came out (three days to redder this and that), but all failed. (One, there was a payload that was terminated without an error, and the secondary module was executed.) But I don't know how to use the secondary module because I haven't found any other information.) Is it possible to attack with the vulnerability of opensh Command Execution? I downloaded kiptrix level 1.1 from the next class (I didn't check the class) and ran it, but there was a different network setting (?), so I pressed anything to run it. When I was scanning for nmap, the ip address was weird at first (the exact mec address came out as Samsung) but when I downloaded it again and touched the settings, the ip address and mec address are well set and I am using it. Is this kind of additional setting coming out? Or is it possible to have a version conflict when I installed kioptrix level1 without erasing it? (Is it possible that this setting affects attacks using metasplots?) 45001.py: file not recognized: file format not recognized: file format not recognized: file formatting not recognized: searchploit found files containing command execution vulnerabilities in openssh collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status. (Google did not help with this issue, :((((()))) ps: It's fun when you attack, but after several days of attack -> failure, you seem to be losing some energy. I wonder if I'm doing it right now. But I'm going to go through a lot of things later, so I'll go and attack! I don't care much. You can drink it.)
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