찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

Hello, I'm an aspiring writer who turned 30 this year. I dreamed of becoming a drama writer since I was a student, but the first challenge to realize my dream was from my mid-20s. I, who is not a major, miraculously passed the Writers Association Education Center interview and learned, and I was able to go up to the third class by working hard even though I was not good enough. It's been almost two years since I dropped out of the car due to my poor health and personal reasons, and I didn't even want to look at the script ever since. In fact, going back and forth from the provinces to Seoul without income was one of the hard factors. Anyway, after spending time like that, I happened to see Na Eun's class advertisement and thought about it for about three weeks. What if I go back on this path, and I give up after all the time, effort and effort... I had all kinds of thoughts. But without realizing it, I've been going in and out of class advertisements every day. After I realized that, I remembered what my teacher said. The moment you give up, your career as a drama writer ends. So I'm going to try again. Since I live in the countryside, the phrase "taking classes online" and "How to prepare for the writers' recent contests" has come as a big attraction. I've been listening to the lecture and writing comments, but with Na Eun's clear voice, I'm able to strengthen the basics, so it's fun and I'm getting enthusiastic again. I hope everyone in this class doesn't get tired until the end. I'd like to thank the writer, too.^^
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