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클래스 스토리7756개의 글

크리에이터가 고정함
Before, I just read and copy shadowing because I was learning shadowing, and if it doesn't work, I pass. I got tired easily after repeatedly doing this. When I learned today, I thought, "You really teach me how to catch fish." Thank you for today.~ :)
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댓글 3개 전체 보기
Thank you for sharing that information.^^
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Thank you for your information, New Yorker. :D
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My heart is New Yorker! Thank you for sharing the information.~~
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크리에이터가 고정함
Son Seongeun
There was a spelling mistake in some of the Chapter 7-1 videos. crying I revised it right away and uploaded a new one. Please let me know if there is anything wrong with your course.🙏 I'm rooting for you who are continuously doing it. Fighting for the rest of the lecture!🔥
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I want to work hard until the end and speak English really well!
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댓글 3개 전체 보기
Son Seongeun
Minji, you've been studying for 6 months. That's so cool!LOL I'm tired of doing the same thing over and over again, and I don't know if this is right. Then, of course, there will be a slump. To see how good I am right now, As I said in Chapter 7 of this class, It is most accurate to have a conversation with a native speaker in English. It's best to have a native friend around you. If not, try participating in a language exchange group. There are a lot of language exchange meetings online these days. I think it would be good to search and participate. Above all, English is really not available overnight..! We've been repeating Korean for years, and we've become good at it. It takes a lot of time and effort until you become good at English. It never happens in a short period of time. crying (If you want to do well in a short period of time, you have to spend a lot of time on English in a short period of time.) So don't be so impatient. It's okay if it's a little bit a day, so keep practicing speaking out loud. You're doing a great job right now!LOL Just use English as a habit like eating. You can do it. Minji, cheer up a little more!🔥
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ㅠㅠㅠㅠ I'm so encouraged by you😭❣감사 Thank you so much I'll try harder after winning the slump!! Thank you for writing such a long comment. ㅠㅠ I'll read the comments you left whenever I'm having a hard time and keep trying!🥺
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I want to be touched by my speaking skills.^^
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Thank you, Sung Eun.^^ Like you said, 1.Listen to class every day! 2. Mission accomplished on the day! 3. Apply the study method you learned! I will not forget how I felt when I first paid for the above 3 items and will continue to do so.Thank you for making a good lecture!😃
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