찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

Hello? ID AlphaDol. I'd like to ask you a question. As shown in the attached picture, the results of the CVPR paper are slightly different from those simulated by code. The CVPR paper seems to have a more similar result to Gogh's picture. So my question is, which part of the code you provided (or which parameters) should I touch to adjust this part? For example, can I adjust the loss ratio in the code below? I'd appreciate it if you could give me an insight into this. ^^ In the simulation results on the left, the lower left side has a bit of red light like noise, but there is no red part like this in the original Gogh drawing, but I want to know why this part is created in videos that are not related to noise. Thank you. def entire_loss(gens,cons,stys): sl,cl = 0,0 # initialization for gen,con,sty in zip(gens,cons,stys): cl += 0.2*C_loss(con,gen) # 5 layers 20% allocation sl += 0.2*S_loss(sty,gen) Total = 10*cl + 40*sl # Rates from bibliography <-- this part? return total,sl,cl
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