찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

클래스 스토리130개의 글

I've only tried Thai cuisine at a restaurant, but I'm glad I can learn it. Please teach me well.~~
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Teacher, you seem to lack a lot of teaching skills. My eyes are so messed up that I can't focus on the lecture because I don't go back and forth and look straight ahead. I stutter a lot and I feel frustrated because it's not smooth. The most important thing in the lecture is the ability to deliver the content, which is very unfortunate. I think you should improve your education or lecture skills. 101 I've been recommending other classes to people around me, but I don't recommend this class. In addition, the editing and lecture contents of the video are very poor. I saw videos of many cooking YouTubers on YouTube, but I don't think I did that much. I really want a refund -_- Class 101 doesn't mean you're just posting it without a class check or verification. It's not much, but it's my third class, so I'm afraid I can't take another one.
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Hello, Kim Gyubi. This is Class 101. First of all, I'm really sorry that I didn't give you a satisfactory experience when Classmate took the class with high expectations. We would like to provide high-quality, high-quality, and good lectures through meticulous inspections for classmates who start their hobbies with us, but we are very sorry and heavy-hearted for not being able to satisfy this point. We will try to provide better lectures and services in the future. If you have any opinions during the class, please feel free to contact our Class 101 Customer Center (https://101.gg/chat). Thank you.
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Where are you looking at? The lecture ability is also a problem, but the editing is too poor, and I think it's only a cooking YouTuber. If you're going to classes other than cooking, I recommend you study more lecture skills and editing.
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It could be greed, but I hope the class notes are detailed. I'd appreciate it if you could write it so that I can recall the contents when I look at the class notes later.
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더 많은 실제 후기를 만날 수 있어요!
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