찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

Hello, everyone! I'm reading your precious directions carefully. I'm excited and happy to read it because you wrote down in detail what you like and what you want. (✿◕‿◕)) But there are people who are having a hard time, so I'm going to give you more directions in the comments! This mission is not about finding your shortcomings! It's not about finding what I'm lacking, it's about telling a story about what I like! And that 'favorite' is not limited to art content such as animation, cartoons, games, etc. Let me give you an example. I saw the sky on my way home from work and home. The sky was so beautiful that I was touched. If you fell in love with the sunset because it was so pretty, that's your taste and your favorite. The ice cream that I had on a bad day was so sweet that it became special, and if I fell in love with sweetness, it's also my taste! 📌 This mission touched me at some point in my life and how it affected my taste and direction in painting. In short, it's really about finding my taste! And this work can take a long time because you have to look back on your emotions and memories. You may not be able to find it during class! It's very obvious. It doesn't matter if it takes very, very long! So please take your time and think about it. 🥰 Let's wrap it up! < What touched you and what you like, and what you want to draw! > Please think about it for a long time and share it with us! If you already know, you can tell me right away! I'm always looking forward to your stories. 😍 Thank you!
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