찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

✔ Worst relationship - A relationship that has become a 'b' at some point. (The beginning always starts with a man first, a man likes and treats him better in the beginning of a relationship, and then by the time I like him more in the middle of it becomes a thing.) - I think I'm the only one who feels sorry for it, and if I let it go, the relationship will end. - A relationship that only cares about me. I shouldn't have said this. I should have told you later, when I should have acted like this and regretted and blamed myself for my past actions. - A relationship that is sick and tired of telling a sad story and telling a serious story and being alone in fear of getting tired of it. ✔ Desired love - A love that makes me the boss - Relationship that the other person likes me more - A love relationship that shows the other person making efforts on his or her own even if I don't try. - A comfortable and happy relationship where you can feel that you are in love with each other even if you don't crave affection. If I really like someone, I want to be in a relationship that always becomes a boon and becomes a boon. How can I change? Help me. And before dating, I want to know how to make the man I'm interested in like me, how to develop into a lover in a relationship, and how to become an attractive woman!
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