찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

I started drawing after a comic book, but... I think game art is the most influenced by the current style. I've always been attracted to casual style rather than due diligence, and it's the same now! The fun thing is when you draw fan art. Now that I've taken this lecture, I enjoyed fan art because I didn't have to create a character's story and design. I have to rethink whether it was because I could only portray what I wanted to express without the pain of creation. But I think there's always been a need for appealing designs. I wish I could fill this part with a shy lecture. >_<) I thought the Korean won was to express a theory in pictures and solve one's own thoughts. I'm shocked that you told me that the emotion expressed in the picture can be solved by theory. I've studied by myself and went to academies, but I don't think there was a teacher who asked me this question. The person who will influence the direction and design of my painting in the future will be shy. I think there will be a lot to gain from this lecture.♥ Thank you so much for giving me a good lecture.
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