찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

클래스 스토리1810개의 글

Sam, I think it's too much. Is there anything else that makes it less complicated?
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Hello, Potato Man! You expressed the design in a nice way with your drawing :) I am surprised by your design skills and drawing skills because you expressed the exact size of your shoes and the large flow of your clothes accurately! To answer your question, I consider two points when I feel too much in my case. First, which part should your eyes first touch? When I complete the picture, I set which part I want to show to people first. Then, the design of the parts except that part is relatively less complicated. If Potato Field wants to set eyes on the character's face and upper body first! If you think so, you should relax a little bit on the design of the lower body or shoe section, which is relatively far from that part. This is an example, so depending on your plan, the part where you relax might change, right? Second, replace the line expression with color. It's a method that I often use. In the line phase, all wrinkles are expressed in lines, and in the coloration phase, some detailed wrinkles are erased and replaced with light light intensity. The lines of wrinkles that are crucial for expressing the flow of clothes are maintained and the small wrinkles are expressed only by coloring. Therefore, the second method can only be applied at the coloring stage. If you want to apply this method in the line-up stage, it would be good to remove small wrinkles little by little, leaving behind the most important wrinkles. I hope your answer was helpful, and if you have any further questions, please feel free to ask :)
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Yes, sir! Thank you for your detailed answer ^^!!
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I felt it again when I was coloring... Sir...The coloring class... It's urgent...
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Wow! You colored Sunhwa really well! The light direction is so neat and the color style of the fire lightning dog is so beautiful ㅠㅠ Especially the overall color is attractive and pretty, so I want to get this kind of color know-how from lightning. Thank you for your wonderful work!
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Wow. Did you correct it? The color is so pretty!
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This is how it works, right? I only drew pictures. It's been a long time since I've looked for data and thought about images.
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Hello, Yeru! Thank you for participating in the project:) Even the hair was designed so nicely that the silhouette alone shows a character with an ancient and deadly beauty. From now on, let's proceed with the class with me and complete the cool illustrations with the characters you envisioned!
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It's hard to express the texture of the clothes I want or how to express the see-through feel. I'm still at a loss to express the race. ㅜㅜ It's almost like a tracing job. It's not my skill, but from now on.
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