찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

I'm a little embarrassed because it's my first time scribbling down my worldview here. (When I saw the lecture at dawn, I got so full that I started drawing it right away.) *Deep character description But I can't control my ability, so I'm stressed by what I think. (Because it's always noisy) Besides, I don't know that ribbon is the reason for my ability, and I love it so much that I'm suffering. The only place that Odin is safe from the sounds is in her dreams and music, so if she can't sleep, she listens to music. I think I can't study because I always sleep at school, I'm interested in intellectual things, so you don't have to worry about failing! The bottom line is that everything in the world is bothersome, and if you talk to a sleepyhead, you'll look at him disgustingly, but he's actually that kind of character. *Explains a simple worldview. God, angel, devil, fairy.There are almost every species in your imagination. Human beings are the weakest. They are ruled by God (many by other species), and humans are resisting for their independence. They developed weapons by conducting many experiments on magic that they couldn't use. It is currently recorded that you have succeeded in killing one god.
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